


Glinki street, 20a
Room: School principal

Shakarim High School

Main activities:

“Concrete measures must be taken in the region to train highly qualified specialists necessary for modern times. In Semipalatinsk, it is necessary to open schools for in-depth training in computer science and languages near universities”.

                                                                                                       President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev

School mission
Formation of multilingual citizens with global competencies and responsible citizenship, actively participating in developing an information and multicultural society.

School values
Kazakhstani patriotism and civic responsibility
United Community
Quality education
Respect yourself, the environment, and the family;
Lifelong learning
Global competencies

 curriculum (science and mathematics)

 curriculum (social and humanitarian direction)

 curriculum (science and mathematics) with Russian language of instruction

 schedule of lessons

schedule of additional classes

  • Shlykova Uliyana Ivanovna
    Russian language and literature teacher

  • Kuntuganova Akbota Maratovna
    Math teacher

  • Kairashova Didar Erkinovna
    Kazakh languge and literature teacher

  • Omarkhanova Synargul Lazetbekovna
    Physics teacher

  • Lekerova Ayana Zhumagazinovna
    History teacher

  • Toleubayev Beknur Yerlanovich
    Chemistry and Biology taecher

  • Omarov Tleuzhan Zhumashuly
    Physycal training teacher

  • Tokbayeva Danagul Yerlanovna
    History teacher

  • Ormanbekov Birzhan Dauletuly
    History teacher

  • Elyubayeva Sandugash Askhatovna
    Deputy Director for academic and educational work

  • Kasenov Yerzhan Nurlanovich
    Geography teacher

  • Nurgazinova Ainur Bauyrzhankyzy
    Math teacher

  • Ismailova Inabat Kairatovna
    Chemistry teacher

  • Aubakirova Indira Ergaliyevna
    Math teacher

  • Gabdullina Gulnur Erimanovna
    Kazakh languge and literature teacher

  • Orynbekov Bakytbek Nurlybekovich
    IT teacher

  • Mussurmanova Zhanagul Kudaibergenovna
    English language teacher

  • Kaliyeva Shyryn Bagdatovna
    English language teacher

  • The youngest volunteer in the city is Tozhan Toktamysova, a student of Shakarim High School
    The youngest volunteer in the city is Tozhan Toktamysova, a student of Shakarim High School
  • University Vienna  Ball
    University Vienna Ball
  • Bread Fair: Charity event for schoolchildren
    Bread Fair: Charity event for schoolchildren