Bank of innovative ideas
Recently, in order to increase and maintain human immunity, probiotics have been widely used, as they have a beneficial effect on the human microflora. Probiotics improve digestion, increase resistance to infectious diseases and have a therapeutic effect in acute intestinal infections.
The beneficial effect of probiotics on the human body is determined by the positive properties of the microorganisms that make up probiotics. Basically, the composition of probiotics includes representatives of the endogenous intestinal flora: bifidobacteria, coli, enterococci, lactobacilli, etc. They make a significant contribution to the normal functioning of the body. The listed microorganisms perform a wide variety of functions, including antitoxic functions (blocking toxins and superoxide radicals), protection from pathogenic and excessive conditionally pathogenic microbes, increasing the body's immunity, synthesis of vitamins, production of enzymes, absorption of essential substances (minerals, gases, water, etc.), maintaining a healthy state of the intestinal mucosa, etc. That is, probiotics allow not only to maintain the balance of bacterial microflora, but also improve the whole body as a whole. That is why probiotics are widely used to increase metabolism and improve metabolic processes, protect against allergens, toxins, carcinogens, prevent infectious diseases and improve immunity, to increase the effectiveness of medicines (bacteriophages, antibiotics, etc.). However, the microorganisms that make up probiotics die in the aggressive environment of gastric juice and, accordingly, probiotics lose their functionality.
To preserve the necessary beneficial properties of fermented milk bacteria, including probiotics, it is necessary to place them in intestinal-soluble capsules. Putting probiotics in a capsule allows you to protect them from the acidic environment of the stomach, thereby opening the way to the latest technologies of functional products. At the same time, the acidic environment in the stomach should not destroy the capsules for more than 2 hours, but when the capsule enters the intestine, it should dissolve, not even 7 minutes. Collapsing, the capsule will release the necessary nutrients.
To date, the encapsulation process is actively used in the food and chemical industries. The use of microtechnologies in food science and biotechnology is a step for the development of the encapsulation process. Encapsulation of biologically active substances is used in the food industry in order to regulate redox reactions, obtain balanced taste, color and odor. Thanks to the encapsulation of biologically active substances, it is possible to increase their effectiveness, reduce toxicity and balance in the production of pesticides, as well as in pharmacology.
In the process of encapsulation of biologically active substances, including probiotics, it is extremely important to preserve the viability and activity of beneficial microorganisms in the intestine. Capsules must pass the acidic environment of the stomach without dissolving. In the intestine, the capsule with probiotics should gradually dissolve, i.e. release the contents during the active work of the intestine.
Polymer systems in the form of capsules containing microbial cells are created to encapsulate probiotic microorganisms. There are two types of encapsulation process - "reservoir" and "matrix". When using the "reservoir" or "storage" type, the encapsulated substance is covered with a thin layer of encapsulating material, the so-called "shell". When using the "matrix" type, the encapsulated material is embedded in the matrix of the substance and can be located both on the surface and inside the encapsulating substance.
The question of obtaining capsules of high quality, with the specified properties and characteristics that dissolve in the necessary environment, retain their therapeutic effect, and also meet the requirements of the consumer (ease of use, efficiency, reasonable cost), still remains open. Taking into account the deterioration of the environmental situation, sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, malnutrition in many regions, the direction of creating encapsulated functional products is an urgent direction for the development of biotechnology worldwide.
The biological, chemical and physical properties of encapsulated functional products are determined by the technologies and equipment used for their production. There are many methods for obtaining encapsulated functional products, however, an important factor in choosing a production technology is the cost-effectiveness of the production process, ease of operation, lower cost of the final product while maintaining all the necessary therapeutic, organoleptic, functional qualities.
Methods of obtaining capsules manually, by the drip method, are widely used today, but this process is very time-consuming and long, respectively, low-efficiency and costly.
Based on the above, the task was set about the need to develop equipment for the production of capsules of a functional product (in particular, probiotics), which will automate the process of obtaining intestinal-soluble seamless capsules with probiotics.
The encapsulation unit was made within the framework of a scientific grant funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the priority direction "Rational use of natural resources, processing of raw materials and products", the priority "Technologies of deep processing of raw materials and products" on the topic "Scientific and practical justification of the use of encapsulated synbiotic drugs with immunostimulating activity in the production of dairy products" (2015-2017, state registration no. 0115RK01199). The working unit includes a tripod (1), on which two movable consoles are mounted. The lower console is designed to accommodate a container (2) for cooling solution (water with ice). A panel of actuators (4) is attached to the second console.
In the upper part there is a panel for placing containers with a mixture for encapsulation and a solution for washing the installation system 6 and 8. The panel can be adjusted in height by an adjustment nut (7). On the panel of actuators there are: a circulation pump (10), a peristaltic pump (9) with a position sensor of the rotor of the peristaltic pump, a shaker (5) with a system of guides and fixing the die.
The peristaltic pump is designed to supply liquid from the solution container to the die. The die consists of a head with built-in injectors and a nozzle for connecting pipelines for liquid supply. The die is attached to the shaker (5). The thermostat maintains the set temperature in the system. Solution tanks, thermostat, peristaltic pump and die are connected by pipelines made of silicone. The circulation pump is designed for pumping and forming circulation flows in the forming liquid, which does not allow the formed capsules to stick together.
The circulation pump pipelines and the temperature sensor of the cooling solution for encapsulation (CaCl2) in which they are immersed are also located on the panel. The immersion level of the tubes is set in accordance with the experimental conditions. The liquid level in the working tank is set by tilting the overflow tube located in the side of the working tank. The overflow tube is designed to maintain the liquid level in the working tank in a given position. When filling the working container with capsules, the liquid level will increase, while its excess will be drained into a container with a cooling solution.
Target audience
Research laboratories, food and medical industry enterprises
An experimental installation for the production of capsules may be the basis for the development of an industrial design
Competitive advantages
The most promising for the production of capsules is the development of drip-type installations, which have a number of advantages compared to other types of installations for the production of capsules.
Zhumadilova Gulmira Amangazievna – PhD;
Ibragimov Nadir Kadyrovich – Candidate of Technical Sciences
1 200 000

Success in improving the breeding and productive qualities of the herd is achieved by conducting systematic purposeful selection and selection of animals that stand out with a better expression of individual selected traits, allowing the population to change in the direction in which breeding is conducted. Currently, more attention should still be paid to the development of precocious meat-and-fat sheep breeding, since the proportion of lamb in the meat balance of the industry increases every year. Improving the genetic potential of meat-and-fat breeds of sheep in the direction of increasing their meat and wool productivity, improving the quality of products will saturate the market with high-quality competitive and environmentally friendly domestic products, which will ensure the food security of the country.
The interaction of all links of the chain "science-commodity producer-processing-market" is the only main way of harmonious development of all forms of ownership, stimulating economic growth, ensuring a stable socio-economic situation of the region.
The market demand for high–quality domestic relatively cheap products is high. Therefore, in order to cover the needs of the market for products, it is necessary to increase the number of breeding sheep by 3-4 times. Therefore, the task of rapid reproduction of meat-fat sheep and increasing their productive qualities is extremely acute.
In a market-oriented economy, the priority should be indicators of production efficiency, competitiveness of domestic sheep breeds, compliance of their qualities with international requirements. Today, sheep farming is an industry with great potential. Its prospects are determined by the fodder base, primarily by the presence of large areas of natural pastures. Currently, the industry is on the threshold of a new stage, which should ensure its effective development in the conditions of market relations.
The creation of new highly productive genotypes of sheep of the Kazakh short-tailed rough-haired breed contributes to the improvement of the genetic potential of the meat of greasy sheep in the direction of increasing their meat and wool productivity and improving the quality of products. This ultimately leads to saturation of the market with high-quality competitive and environmentally friendly domestic products - young mutton and lamb produced using pasture feed.
One of the most important branches of the agricultural sector of the north-eastern region of the republic is sheep breeding, designed to significantly increase the production of high-quality mutton and wool. Sheep breeding makes it possible to effectively use pasture areas of deserts, semi-deserts, where access to other animal species is limited. Unfortunately, during the years of the so-called "perestroika", many breeding farms collapsed and could not recover, as a result, many valuable individuals and animal lines were irretrievably lost. This poses an urgent task for the sheep breeders of the region to restore and search for further ways to improve the sheep of the Kazakh short-tailed rough-haired breed, strengthen their gene pool and increase productive qualities. In this regard, the main way to solve the problem requires rational integration of the forces of scientific and production potentials, the involvement of small and medium-sized processing enterprises that are directly close to farms.
The level of productivity of farm animals depends on the hereditary basis and living conditions. In order to fully utilize the genetic potential of animal productivity, it is necessary to create appropriate feeding and maintenance conditions for them. At the same time, numerous studies, both here and abroad, have proved that it is possible to create a population with high genetic potential even under existing conditions of feeding and keeping sheep.
In this regard, for further improvement of fat-tailed sheep, it is necessary to develop breeding methods that ensure the improvement and improvement of the meat and fat qualities of fat-tailed sheep in the conditions of the eastern region of the country.
This project is designed to create an optimal model of medium-sized agricultural production, combining science and production for the preservation and reproduction of valuable gene pools, the production of meat products at the expense of their own reproduction. As a result of the project, measures will be taken to preserve and improve the breeding and productive qualities of sheep of the Kazakh short-tailed rough-haired breed.
Breeding for an increase in live weight will increase the yield of meat, the selection of animals based on a high indicator of wool yield will increase the level of selection of wool productivity. Development of intensive technology of rearing and fattening young sheep by setting control and experimental groups of animals, efficiency of feeding, fattening and rearing young animals on various diets (based on economic capabilities) and grazing in different seasons of the year will also increase the yield of high-quality lamb.
To improve the productive performance of animals, outstanding producers with high live weight, producers with high slaughter and meat qualities will be identified. The animals will also be evaluated according to their own productivity, according to constitutional and exterior data, and the selection of the best animals in the breeding group.
As a result of the research conducted by the staff a method of sheep breeding according to the Kazakh short-tailed rough-haired breed has been developed, there is a patent for a breeding achievement.
As a result of purposeful breeding work with animals of the desired type, a highly productive population of fat-tailed sheep will be created, combining a large live mass with adaptability to year-round pasture maintenance in extreme conditions of desert and semi-desert zones.
15 000 000

In recent years, along with the already well-known and traditional waste in a certain sense, the disposal of unsorted battle of artificial (man-made) glasses, or simply cullet, has been of particular interest. The fact is that the scrap or glass fight formed during production is in most cases reused by the same factories. Such glass has a stable (within the framework of this technology) chemical composition and finds application in the process of melting the charge. Unsorted combat of various types of glass (window, container, optical, etc.) has a fairly wide range of chemical composition. Plus, foreign impurities are possible, the ingress of which into the raw mixture is not permissible if it is desirable to obtain glass with a certain composition or quality. Therefore, unsorted cullet, which is formed in huge quantities in dumps and landfills, still does not find proper use. It should be noted that from an environmental point of view, glass is considered the most difficult to dispose of waste. It is not subject to destruction under the influence of water, atmosphere, solar radiation, frost. In addition, glass is a corrosion—resistant material that does not break down under the influence of an overwhelming amount of strong and weak organic, mineral and bioacids, salts, as well as fungi and bacteria. Therefore, if organic waste (paper, food waste, etc.) completely decomposes after 1-3 years, polymer materials - after 5-20 years, then glass, like steel, can be preserved without much destruction for tens or even hundreds of years.
Brick is one of the most versatile building materials of all time. He has passed the test of time, fire and changeable fashion. Brick is still the "bread" of the modern construction industry today. The history of bricks goes back several millennia. Back in the 7th millennium BC, people learned to sculpt and then burn dishes, which was the beginning of ceramic production.
Brick is an artificial stone of regular shape, used as a building material, made of mineral materials, having the properties of stone, strength, water resistance, frost resistance. The most popular are four types (types) of bricks:
1. adobe — made of clay and filler;
2. ceramic (clay, red) — made of baked clay;
3. silicate, consisting of sand and lime;
4. hyper-pressed.
The issue of developing compositions and technologies for obtaining building materials based on industrial and household waste has been exciting the minds of researchers working in the field of building materials for many years, and especially recently. Binders, concretes and products with the use of various slags, slurries, ash, wood-chip, as well as construction waste generated during the demolition and reconstruction of buildings and structures have already found application. But the researchers do not stop there. After all, the relevance of the development of compositions and materials with their use is dictated not only by environmental, but also by economic factors.
Consumers of the planned workshop will be both large construction organizations of the city of Semey, as well as small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as household owners.
In the presented business project, it is planned to produce composite bricks (glass and cement). A composite is an artificial heterogeneous material in which, unlike an alloy, its components (two or more) remain separate and, while retaining their differing physical and chemical properties, give it new properties that are not inherent in any of them separately. The very first composite material in the history of mankind is bricks made of clay and straw. Reinforced concrete is more modern and widespread.
The elements that make up the composite material are usually divided into two categories: matrix and reinforcing agent. The reinforcing substance creates a kind of framework, which is filled with a binding component - a matrix. The matrix gives the product a shape, and the reinforcing element, structuring, strengthening the matrix, is responsible for the mechanical properties of the composite. The properties of the composite material are determined by the ratio of the properties of the reinforcing elements and the matrix, as well as the strength of the bond between them.
Composite materials, despite their high cost, have become popular in the production of products whose mechanical properties must be combined with low weight and the ability to withstand high loads, in particular, aerospace components, boat hulls, car bodies, bicycle frames, the main type of products produced by the workshop will be bricks.
In the future, the production of paving slabs will be added to the range of manufactured products.
100 000 000

In the process of preparing commercial gas, in addition to the target product, by-products that require rational use are also formed. Stable gas condensate is one of such products. At the same time, there is a steady increase in demand for motor gasoline in the world, which is associated with an annual increase in the number of vehicles, and in turn forces manufacturers to look for new sources of raw materials for fuel production. A possible solution to the problem of rational use of stable gas condensate is its catalytic processing into gasoline components. The implementation of this kind of process is possible on zeolitecatalysts, which, due to their porous structure, are most effective for processing light hydrocarbon raw materials, which is stable gas condensate. In addition, the undoubted advantages of zeolite catalysts are resistance to catalytic poisons and relatively low cost, which makes it possible to implement processes using them in a low-tonnage design.
Compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas are very competitive fuels in relation to traditional petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel), and in some basic parameters (octane number, lower heat of combustion, environmental friendliness) even surpass them. Compressed natural gas (LNG) is a mixture of various methane-type hydrocarbons, as well as non-hydrocarbon components -nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and helium. The component composition of natural gas includes methane and a group of more complex hydrocarbons (ethane, propane and butane). The main component of LNG is methane, which is extracted directly from gas wells. A certain amount of methane is obtained in the process of oil refining, fractionation of gas condensate or associated petroleum gas. The target audience is our region and the nearest countries in the CIS. For further growth, it is necessary to increase productivity and create more products, at the same operating costs. In particular, a mini plant or enterprise, let's assume in Lake Zaisan, where raw materials will be provided. But everything requires investment in resources. When achieving relatively high rates of production efficiency by producing such a range of products (ecological and high-quality fuels), which is in growing demand or has potential demand in the markets of neighboring countries. The competitive advantage is the production technology and high-quality fuel with purely ecological characteristics. The composition includes scientists from the university and research institute who have experience in this area.
75 000 000

It is well known that the level of Foreign Language proficiency among students of schools in the city, and in the whole country, leaves much to be desired, despite the availability of training programs, innovative technologies in teaching a foreign language. As the analysis of the knowledge of a foreign language among those entering the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" in Distance Educational Technologies and Master's degree showed, most of them working as English teachers have low language training, which undoubtedly affects the quality of students' knowledge. In order to improve the methodological basis of the process of teaching foreign language students and improve the quality of professional training of English teachers, it is planned to create a single methodological center called Semey English Collegeship, the purpose of which is to provide methodological, professional and psychological assistance to young professionals in improving the quality of classes, improving the language training of teachers and improving the professional interaction of teachers of schools in the city and teachers of the Non-commercial Joint-Stock Company “Shakarim University of Semey”.
In the course of this project, it is planned to analyze the language training of young specialists in the form of interviews and questionnaires with test elements, as well as to assess the level of mastery of a foreign language at the initial stage of training, to determine the factors influencing successful language acquisition. During the implementation of the project, online and offline methodological seminars in English will be held, circles for young professionals to improve all aspects of the language, information will be collected to form an electronic database based on the results of the project, as well as methodological collections, authentic materials, methodological assistance will be provided in writing articles and conducting scientific circles in English language.
The hypothesis of the project is that only systematic professional language training of teachers contributes to the successful acquisition of a foreign language by students at the initial level. When certain results are achieved, it is assumed that the experience will be disseminated in the regions of the Abai region and the country.
The project team consists of teachers of the Department of Foreign Language with extensive experience in teaching a Foreign Language, teachers-experts with extensive experience in secondary educational institutions of Semey.
The target audience of the project is young active school teachers, masters of the specialty "Foreign language: Two Foreign languages".
100 000 000
This scientific project is devoted to the compilation of an educational associative dictionary of the Kazakh language. Today, the value of an associative dictionary is to describe the personality of a representative of a certain nationality, manifestations of social memory, associative-semantic, lexico-semantic, grammatical connection of linguistic consciousness with various words in the associative-verbal network. as well as the ethnos' characteristic image of the world, which is represented in the consciousness of the consumer of this culture, reflects his motivations and assessments, respectively, of the manifestation of cultural values. On this basis, a mass linguistic experiment will be conducted to study the consciousness of schoolchildren. Determining the effectiveness of the associative approach by conducting research. However, since the language structure of students is a variable category, we noticed that today's change of consciousness, the transition of consciousness formation into a different mode, a new way of thinking appeared, a different style of our speech culture began to form. . It can be noted that one of the driving forces forming in the national consciousness, preserved through language as an expression of the ethno-culture that organizes our nation into a single whole, is the unique and characteristic knowledge of the nation. Such associative experiments will help to study language consciousness and evaluate cultural values. Today, the creation of an associative dictionary is an urgent task. This type of vocabulary can be used in any professional environment, in intercultural communication and in the correctional system of social activity. To describe the general semantic properties of lexical units that make up the associative frequency field of the Kazakh language, to determine the associative frequency field of the Kazakh language.
Analyzing the composition of the associative field in the linguistic consciousness of the Kazakh people, getting a lot of information from the national worldview, psychology, everyday life, traditions. Collecting information about the respondents' attitude to the phenomenon under study by the method of an associative experiment related to school textbooks of the Kazakh language to determine how the communicative environment forms the associative base of a person, how it affects his perception of the world.
As a result of processing the materials of the free associative experiment, an educational associative dictionary of the Kazakh language is created, which allows to determine the words that make up the linguistic consciousness or lexical core. To do this, you need:
- identify scientific positions based on the creation of an associative dictionary;
- conduct a psycholinguistic associative experiment using the "stimulus-reaction" system to determine the associative relationship between words;
- to create national-cultural semantics by identifying denotative-meaningful, expressive-pragmatic and syntagmatic characteristics of verbal units in associative dictionaries;
- to consider how a person perceives a certain concept, how he uses the information in his mind to express this concept, the linguistic expression of association using the psycholinguistic method;
- to determine the associative field of a language that unites around itself a set of linguistic units, associative words, actual words, based on the conceptual, substantive and functional similarity of defining phenomena united by a common content;
- methodical description of them in the systematization of an important terminological fund related to associative dictionaries;
- to create an associative dictionary based on the results of psycholinguistic associative experience and associates, adjusted according to the degree of frequency and expertise conducted in the Kazakh language.
It is known that a dictionary is, firstly, a scientific product, and secondly, a source of information. This dictionary is intended for a wide range of readers, as well as school teachers, students of secondary, special and higher educational institutions, graduate students.
The vocabulary of the subjects is sorted by age, gender, place of residence, type of educational institution (school or gymnasium, lyceum), date of the experiment and other characteristics
The results obtained with the help of various associative experiments allow us to determine and describe the exact form in which the content of language symbols and structures exists in the mind of a native speaker.
Schools of the Abai district are taken as the target audience. The scientific and practical results obtained from the associative experience will be used in the associative educational dictionary of the Kazakh language in the future. Based on the associative experience, the words received from schoolchildren were grouped into clusters. Based on this, an associative dictionary is created based on the vocabulary of schoolchildren. Associative relations between words are studied in connection with the spiritual and social trends of modern Kazakh society.
The materials of associative vocabulary open the way to new studies of verbal effects. The practical value of the research lies in the definition of lexical units that make up the associative frequency field of the Kazakh language, and through their semantic analysis allows you to form lexicographic definitions. The conclusions of the obtained results can be used in teaching courses of lexicology, semasiology and phraseology of the Kazakh language.The research project includes university professors and scientists with experience in this field.
40 000 000

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